Sunday, 19 January 2014

An organisation

Nowadays, there are lots of different type organizations everywhere, such as sole trader, partnership, charity and public limited company. It is a trend which is more efficiency to do almost businesses in this community of the World. Every organization has some common features. Let’s talk about these features.
Firstly, all organizations are more than a man. It’s because an organization means some of people work as a team. These each teammate is having different strength. Team is a powerful. Two heads are better than one head. When a team faces a problem or discuss a project, they can give a lot of ideas which are all rounded and suitable. That’s why so many organizations appear nowadays.
Secondly, they are all fighting for the same goals in an organization. Every organizations have been created because of they have the same goals. For example, the aims of a charity are helping people. They run the organization to let more people can be helped.
Moreover, an organization has structure and management. A structure can let the organizing work be developed and people’s efforts are directed to achieve the objectives.

As management, which is controlling the limited resources of the organization to be the maximum efficiency, can direct, control and co-ordinate. It is because management is going to understand each part of the organization and distribute suitable works for them. More specifically, the management department is basic on the abilities and the personality of every single employee to distribute works and positions for them. Management also has some basic functions. Deciding what needs to happen in the future and generating plans for action. Management also need job analysis, recruitment and hiring for appropriate jobs. Determining what must be done in a situation and getting people to do it.

1 comment:

  1. A good first start. You discussed the topic of the week well - could you put some examples through here? Discuss an organisation? You also discussed structure and management. Could you be a little more specific here with examples? Nicely produced.
